Artistic and Archaeological Heritage

Bullas has an interesting artistic, architectural, ethnographic and archaeological heritage which has been put in value to be enjoyed by visitors.

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parish church of Nuestra señora del rosario (OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY)

Declared as a national monument in 1982 this church is the main building of the Plaza de España. It was built between the end of the 17th century and 1723, being enlarged and restored between 1800 and 1804, with the side naves and the sacristy of neoclassical style, as well as the baroque tower which give che church its current image. The neogothic Sanctum chapel dates from 1905.

Most of its images and objects was destroyed during the Spanish Civil War, although the parish archives – containing documents from the late 17th century – were preserved as well as some images like Saint John (1925). The current image of the patroness Nuestra Señora del Rosario came to Bullas in 1939 and is located in the centre of the altarpiece, made in 1947 with the funding of the people of Bullas.

clock tower

The Torre del Reloj (Clock Tower) or Torre de Santiago (Saint James Tower) was built in 1900 on the top of one of the hills where the town is placed. It is one of the main elements of Bullas skyline. This building is the result of the prívate initiative of the mayor Joaquín Carreño Góngora as the Municipality could not finance a new clodk for the town that was located in the tower church until that momento. The new tower started to regulate the irrigation shifts in the nearby Calderón orchards, where Mr. Carreño was one of the main landowners. The inauguration took place on the 25th of July 1900, Saint James Feast. The clock mechanism was made in Switzerland and it was put on work by the watchmaker from Palencia Moisés Díaz, also responsible of the making of the three bronze bells placed in the metallic structure of the balcony. In 1916 the tower was given by the owner to the Municipality of Bullas.

culture house (MELGARES house)

This is a noble house built in 1925 on the place where there was an inn. It belonged to one of the wealthiest and most important families of Bullas, the Melgares de Aguilar. It was used by Anarchist forces during the Spanish Civil War and between 1954 and 1981 the building became the school of the Amor de Dios nuns. Then it was purchased by the Municipality to place the Culture House in it. The style is eclectic and it has neoarabic elements in the entrance., as well as a beautiful balustrade. The Public Library and the Historical Archives are located her, among other Municipality’s services.

REmains of the castle

There are a few preserved remains of the old medieval fortress of Bullas, a part of a tower and several large stones from the basement. They can be seen in Peseta street. Inside some houses of the area there are also pieces of the ancient wall.

PLAZA VIEJA (old square)

The Plaza Vieja (Old Square), named officially after the Lieutenant Flomesta as a tribute to this hero of the Moroccan War born in Bullas, is one of the original areas of the village which dates back to the 17th century. The famous arch and the colours of the façades make this place really special, where two important events such as the Encuentro on Easter Sunday and the craft market El Zacatín every month’s first Sunday.


Behind the parish church there is another noble house that belonged to other old important family, the Marsilla Melgares. Reformed in 1900 by Mr. José Marsilla (commonly known as Don Pepe), later passed to his son Mr. Blas Rafael Marsilla. With a simple façade, since 2006 it is a museum whose aim is the recreation of the living ways at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th one. The house has two well distinct parts, the living one (with art-noveau decoration in the main rooms) and the working area, dedicated to the different duties and also for the servants housing. One of the main spaces is the large wine cellar, perfectly preserved.

CArreño house

This building is located in Tercia street and it belongs to the old loal oligarchy, in this case the Carreño family. It was built at the beginning of the 20th century with a very interesting façade containing nice elements such as the grilles, a recreation of the Castilian ironwork of the 16th century.

LA BALSA wine cellar

This is an old wine cellar not in use since the early 80’s but now restored to receive visitors. It is located in the calle de la Balsa (“Pool street”), named after a huge pool which collected the water from the old Bullas channel.

With an origin in the 19th century, the winery facilities incorporated new equipment in 1959 modernising the traditional methods of wine making. The ground floor was exclusively dedicated to this purpose, with large half-buried jars while the upper floor was the home of the owner and today is the oficial see of the Regulating Board of the Protected Origin Designation Area “Bullas”.

roman villa of LOS CANTOs

The territory of Bullas has various archaeological sites from different periods (Chalcolitic, Argaric, Roman, Arab… ) but the most important one is by far the Roman villa of Los Cantos. It is a large farmhouse with an origin about the 1st century AD and settled until the 5th century. The villa’s space is formed by several areas: the pars urbana, where de domus or owner’s residence is located, the baths and the pars frumentaria or industrial zone, dedicated to the manufactures and the storage of the agricultural and livestock production.

One of the particularities of the domus building is a South-oriented enclosed balcony, open to the best views (Sierra Espuña and the mount Castellar). At the beginning of the 20th century four children sculptures made in white marble here discovered here. One of them is the famous Niño de las Uvas (Child of the Grapes).