The municipality of Bullas, with a surface of 82 square kilometres, is the smaller of the Northwestern area of the Region of Murcia but it does not mean that it holds a great diversity in climate, geological, botanical and zoological particularities as it has a rough orography with mountains around 1,000 metres above sea level, plains with traditional crops (cereals, vineyards and almond trees) and a Mediterranean climate with continental features. All this creates spaces and landscapes of a special attention with points of magnificent beauty and educational, cultural and tourist interest. This natural heritage can be found under different protection legal ways:

  • Naturaleza en Bullas
  • Naturaleza en Bullas
  • Naturaleza en Bullas
  • Naturaleza en Bullas
  • Naturaleza en Bullas
  • Naturaleza en Bullas
  • Naturaleza en Bullas
  • Naturaleza en Bullas
  • Naturaleza en Bullas
  • Naturaleza en Bullas

place of geological interest “SALTO DEL USERO”

It is situated on the upper course of the river Mula, near the mount Castellar and a few kilometres away from Bullas. It is an area of great beauty, of hydrological, geomorfological and sedimentological interest where erosion processes generated in a formation of sandstones and travertines of high value can be observed.
The upstreaming erosion of these materials in the river’s bed has created this particular morphology in vault, with the water falling down to the basis in a several metres waterfall and forming a deep pool always full of water that is used by tourists and the local population during the Summer time.


It is an excellent sample of the riverbank vegetation, formed by a tree stratum (black poplars, elms) and a bush stratum with willows, roses, brambles and a wide range of climbing plants. In addition there are exuding rocks of carbonated waters (limestones and travertines) with associates plants asociadas such as the maidenhair (Adiantum capillus-veneris) and the blue throatwort (Trachelium caeruleum).
In the wild fauna we can highlight colonies of long-fingered bat, greater mouse-eared bat and lesser mouse-eared bat (Annex II Directive 92/43/CEE); and in the vegetal species: poplars and black poplars (Populus x canescensPopulus albaPopulus nigra), ashes (Fraxinus angustifolia), elms (Ulmus minor), lote trees (Celtis australis), willows (Salix atrocinerea), honeysuckles (Lonicera implexa), wild roses (Rosa sp. pl.), blackberries (Rubus ulmifolius), hawthorns (Crataegus monogyna), clematises (Clematis vitalba), smilaxes (Smilax aspera), redouls (Coriaria myrtifolia), among others.

special zone of birds protection (zepa) “sierra de BURETE, LAVIA y CAMBRÓN”

This ZEPA has a surface of 21.482,22 hectares, almost a third of the municipality of Bullas territory and shared with Cehegín, Mula and Lorca.
Regarding the ornithological value it accomplishes the figures criteria for being designed as ZEPA (according to the Directive 409/79/CEE) by species as the short-toed snake eagle (Circaetus gallicus), the booted eagle (Hieraaetus pennatus), the Eurasian eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) and the red-billed chough (Phyrrocorax phyrrocorax).

protected flora under the decree 50/2003 of 30th of may

In these lands there are 33 especies of threatened flora amenazada such as two taxons catalogued as endangered: ash (Fraxinus angustifolia) and grey poplar (Populus canescens); another two catalogued as vulnerable: Portuguese oak (Quercus faginea) and elderberry (Sambucus nigra); and a great number of species catalogued as of special interest and/or profit (kermes oaks, poplars, black poplars, junipers, savins, hawthorns, daffodils, etc.).

threatened fauna under the law 7/95 of 21st of april

Among the threatened fauna there are 24 species of vertebrates such as the Bonelli’s eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus), catalogued as endangered; the Montagu’s harrier (Circus pygargus), the little bustard (Tetrax tetrax), the black-bellied sandgrouse (Pterocles orientales) and the Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica), catalogued as vulnerables and also a great number catalogued of special interest.

monumental and/or special trees

They are both indigenous or introduced trees and real alive monuments which need to be protected due to its uniqueness, rarity or beauty, according to the Law 4/89, of the 27th of March, about the Preservation of the Natural Spaces and of the Wild Flora and Fauna.
In spite of many of our trees have already dissapeared (natural death, adverse climate conditions or by the man action), some other still exist, until now 25 specimens catalogued by the Municipality of Bullas as part of its natural and cultural heritage.
We can highlight the Osamenta’s Pine Tree, one of the gems of the area. This Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) is considered to be among the five or six biggest pines of the region. Its trunk has a perimeter of 5,10 metres and is one of the most outstanding due to its slender appearance and verticality, with large ramified arms which give it a majestic look. The other tree is the Romero kermes oak, (Quercus rotundifolia), a tree catalogued as one of the largest kermes oaks of the Region of Murcia, with a trunk around 6,20 metres of perimeter and unique in the natural heritage of Bullas.

places of landscape interest

The variety in altitude and topography of Bullas from North to South means a sort of different landscape features from the highest levels (Aceniche, Garci-Sánchez) to the lowest ones (areas of La Copa de Bullas), so we can find three groups of landscape:


They are medium height mountains – Garci-Sánchez (1.026 metres above sea level), El Castellar (993) and La Silla (794) – dominated by lithosols and important rocky outcrops with a great verticality and landscape entity (shady spot of El Castellar). Most of the forests are located here, with Aleppo pines (Pinus halepensis) and scrubland in the sunny spots. There are Kermes oaks (Quercus rotundifolia) in the highest areas.
There are few human activities, only small paths enabling the visit of this areas of high landscape value.

Inter-mountain hollows

The relief here is light, mostly occupied by traditional rainfed crops on quaternary materials and limestone soils. We can highlight the Aceniche high plateau and the Ucenda-Carrascalejo-Fuente de la Higuera steppes. Vineyards, olive and almond trees are situated in them, showing the cultural and traditional entity of these lands.

Rivers basin and main ravines

Going for a walk by the water courses it is easy to see the spots of riverbank vegetation in contrast with mountains and crops that sorround them. We have to mention the river Mula and of course the Barranco de la Regidora (Regidora Ravine) near El Cristo (in El Carrascalejo). Its particular situation enables a higher water suply through the ground, so there are species from subhumid forests such as gall oaks and hybrids of it with kermer oaks. There are also riparian species such as lote trees, elms, ashes, black poplars and willows. In more arid areas there are dwarf oaks mixed with mastic, hawthorn as well as esparto grass, thyme. Among the ravines, more open ans with a less dense egetation we can mention the Rambla de Ucenda and the Rambla del Ceacejo and also two important streams (although sporadic), those of El Chaparral and Los Muletos.

Worth a visit the small traditional orchards placed on the Castellar hillside, between Ucenda and the Salto del Usero waterfall, where there are phylogenetic resources cultivated generation after generation.